Home Equity Loans
Peace of Mind. Fixed-rate Home Equity loan, use the equity in your home for what you want. Consolidate any high-interest debt you may have or spruce up your home!
Budget-Friendly. Your payments will be consistent with this fixed-rate option loan.
Freedom to do what you want. Knowing what you owe with each payment helps make your life more consistent and gives you the freedom to pay for things you want to do.
- 5-, 10-, & 15-year fixed rates available
- Borrow up to 89% of your home’s appraised value
- Automatic Payments available or Online Loan Payment from SCB website
- Minimum Home Equity loan amount of $10,000

Contact Us Today!
email or call (570) 217-6218
email or call (570) 490-3704
All loans are subject to credit approval. For example, a 10 year fixed rate loan in the amount of $30,000 with an APR of 8.510% would have a monthly payment of $352.20; these payments do not include monthly taxes and insurance, so actual costs and payment amount may be greater.
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Notice: The HMDA data about our residential mortgage lending are available online for review. The data shows geographic distribution of loans and applications; ethnicity, race, sex, age, and income of applicants and borrowers; and information about loan approvals and denials. This data is available online at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Website (www.consumerfinance.gov/hmda). HMDA data for many other financial institutions are also available at this website.
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